9/26/2024 11:31:30 AM
The Parks and Recreation Department is proposing to establish a Park Master Plan (PMP) for Centennial Park located at 501 Browns Valley Road. The master plan would establish future development for the entire 276-acre project site. Currently, 53.4 acres of Centennial Park is developed with the Horse Creek Soccer Complex, baseball fields, tennis courts, a roller hockey court, a dog park, internal access roads, surface parking areas, and landscaping.
The PMP would require some existing facilities to be demolished (i.e., tennis courts and dog parks) that would be reconstructed in other locations of Centennial Park. Other facilities (i.e., roller hockey court) would be upgraded with enhancements such as perimeter fencing to prevent vehicular access. However, most future improvements would be added through an expansion to the north of Centennial Park. The future improvements include an approximately 75,000 sq. ft. Community Recreation Center and other amenities such as a new dog park, bike skills course including a maintenance building and restroom, 18-hole disc golf course, multi-purpose recreation center and outdoor seating area, new lighted tennis courts, soccer complex expansion including a maintenance building, water play area, skate park, RC car track, basketball courts, ballfield maintenance building and restroom, event pavilion, pollinator garden, nature playscape area, volleyball courts, trails, picnic areas, and landscaping. Parking would be expanded from 380 existing spaces to 1,353 spaces at full buildout, which includes a separate parking area to the north at the Allison Parkway extension to serve the bike park.
Pursuant to Sections 15063 and 15073 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Vacaville prepared and circulated an Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration to disclose project-related impacts on the environment. All impacts are anticipated to be less-than significant with the incorporation of mitigation measures.